HELUKABEL 中国 常州市での製造を開始


HELUKABEL's new production site in Changzhou, China

着工式からわずか1年半の今年初め、中国 常州市で HELUKABEL の新しい生産拠点が稼働を開始しました。おおよそ 25,000㎡ の超近代的な生産および物流設備で、電気接続技術のスペシャリストは中国での生産能力を大幅に拡大しています。今後、アジア市場向けのケーブルは、欧州の品質基準に沿って主にここで生産されます。

HELUKABEL は 2014 年以来、太倉市で中国での生産を行ってきました。約 30,000 万米ドルを投じた新しい設備は、ドイツ国外への単独投資としては同社史上で最大規模です。代表取締役の Marc Luksch は次のように述べています。『中国とアジア太平洋諸国は当社にとって重要な成長市場です。新しい場所で当社のポジションを強化し、中国やその周辺地域のお客様により迅速で包括的なサービスを提供できることを、大変うれしく思います。』常州市は、大都市上海の西約 200 ㎞に位置し、中国の経済・工業中心地のひとつです。


HELUKABEL starts manufacturing in Changzhou

New production site in China starts operations

Production has started: At the beginning of the year, just one and a half years after the ground-breaking ceremony, HELUKABEL's new production facility in Changzhou, China, went into operation. With the ultra-modern production and logistics facility, which covers an area of around 25,000 square metres, the connection technology specialist is significantly expanding its capacities in the People's Republic of China. From now on, cables for the Asian market will mainly be manufactured here according to European quality standards.

HELUKABEL has been producing in China since 2014 at its previous location in Taicang. With a sum of around 30 million US dollars, the new building is the largest single investment outside Germany in the company's history. "China and the Asia-Pacific countries are an important growth market for us," explains Managing Director Marc Luksch. "We are very pleased to be able to strengthen our position in the region with another location and offer our customers in and around China an even faster and more comprehensive service in the future". Changzhou is located about 200 kilometres west of the metropolis of Shanghai, in the middle of one of the country's most important economic and industrial centres.
